We produce a wide range of quality products that can all be included as part of a balanced diet
That includes wrapped bread, bagels, rolls, crumpets, fruit loaf, thins and teacakes. Our Gluten Free range also caters for those who suffer from food intolerances offering a range of gluten and wheat-free products. The one thing all our products have in common is their quality. Some may say we’re fanatical about making sure everything we bake is the very best it can be.
We place quality at the heart of everything we do, and everyone across our business is focused on delivering the best bakery in Britain. We have a team of dedicated Quality and Technical experts (our bakery boffins!) who spend every day making sure the highest standards of quality are met across all our bakeries and that we’re always focused on how we can improve.
We look at everything (we really are obsessed!) from the performance of the flour, to the colour of the crust and the texture of the bread – there is no part of the product that goes untested. We even get a little competitive and our Derrick Warburton Trophy recognises and rewards our bakeries for producing the highest quality products across the business.
We go as far as to track every one of the 2 million products we bake every day to ensure they’re fresh when they get to your local store. And to make doubly sure we send our own mystery shoppers to test the freshness of our bread.
Quality starts with the best ingredients and we source all our ingredients to ensure the highest ethical and quality standards. We believe that without the best wheat, we can’t make the best bread and work closely with our farmers in the UK and Canada to contract grow the right wheat, with the right qualities for the products we are proud to put our name on.