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    Specific Privacy Section for Potential Employees

    This is a specific privacy section which supplements our general privacy information notice which can be viewed here. It applies in addition to all the information in our general privacy information notice.

    Potential employees – by this we mean people who apply for jobs, people we find through talent searches, and people who request notice of job vacancies. We do not collect more information than we need to fulfil our purposes.


    What kind of personal data we hold about potential employees?

    We collect a variety of information about potential employees, including:

    • Personal contact details such as name, title, addresses, telephone numbers, personal email addresses
    • Details of your qualifications, skills, experience and employment history
    • Date of birth
    • Gender
    • Your current Salary package, annual leave, benefits information and notice period
    • Recruitment information (including references and other information included in a CV or cover letter or as part of the application process)
    • CCTV footage if you visit our site (s) for an interview
    • Data you include in your CV or other information you provide to us
    • Information about you generated by interviewers and recruiters
    • Video interviews, if these are used
    • Psychometric and testing data

    We may also collect, store and use the following “special categories” of more sensitive personal information:

    • Information about your age range, race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and political opinions
    • Trade union membership
    • Information about your health and any disability, including any medical condition, health and sickness records
    • Information about unspent criminal convictions and offences


    How is your personal data collected?

    We collect personal information about potential employees, through the application and recruitment process, either directly from candidates or sometimes from an employment agency or background check provider. We collect information through our application management and tracking system which can be accessed via our careers page of our company website or from various online jobs boards. We also find information through publicly available sources. We may sometimes collect additional information from third parties including former employers, credit reference agencies or other background check agencies.

    By submitting your information to us you acknowledge that you have read and understood this privacy notice. You are not required to provide information to us but if you don’t then we may not be able to continue your application.


    How we use the personal data we collect about potential employees?

    The situations in which we will process your personal information are listed below.

    • Making a decision about your recruitment or appointment
    • For administration purposes
    • Analysis of our applicant pool
    • Creating, monitoring and maintaining a talent pool
    • Considering you for future positions
    • Sending you job notifications, if you have registered for this service
    • For reporting purposes
    • Dealing with disputes involving you
    • If you make your professional details available on a networking site or job board such as Linked In we may record your details for our talent searching activities


    What is our lawful basis for processing this personal data about potential employees?

    We will only use your personal information when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal information in the following circumstances:

    1. Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. Our legitimate interests include but are not limited to managing the recruitment process and keeping records of this, assessing your suitability for a job and dealing with and responding to claims;
    2. In some circumstances, we may need your consent to process your personal data, this will be explained to you when required;
    3. Where we need to perform the contract we have entered into with you;
    4. Where we need to comply with a legal obligation.

    We may also use your personal information in the following situations, which are likely to be rare:

    1. Where we need to protect your interests (or someone else’s interests).
    2. Where it is needed in the public interest.

    We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your personal information for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

    Please note that we may process your personal information without your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law.


    Who do we share your personal data with?

    We limit access to your information to minimise the number of people who need it in order to evaluate your suitability for a position. We may have to share your data with third parties, including third party service providers and other entities in our group.

    “Third parties” includes third-party service providers (including contractors and designated agents) and other entities within our group. In relation to potential employees, the following activities are currently carried out by third-party service providers: on-line job application management and tracking system provider, IT services, IT system providers, psychometric test providers, video interviewing providers, recruitment services, agency labour service providers, legal advisers, insurers, other relevant professional advisers.

    All our third-party service providers and other entities in the group are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in line with our policies. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes. We only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.


    How long do we keep your personal data?

    If you are successful, your personal data will become part of your employment record with us and will be retained in line with our current retention guidelines.

    If you are unsuccessful for a post, we will keep your details in our application and management tracking system and will potentially consider you for new positions. Your details will remain on the system as long as you are actively using the system. If you are inactive on this system for 12 months we will contact you to ask if you would like to be removed from the system.

    Changes to this Specific Privacy Section

    We reserve the right to update this specific privacy section at any time. This specific privacy section was last updated in May 2018.

    Careers Drivers